Unveiling the Best Link SEO Tools for Online Shops in 2023 and Beyond

In 2023, the digital marketplace is fiercely competitive, especially for online e-commerce sites. At the heart of this competition is SEO and, more specifically, link-building. It’s the lifeblood of all authority sites and a Holy Grail all newcomers are chasing.

But in order to build quality links, avoid Google penalties and soar atop SERPs, you need tools to crunch data, analyze it and provide timely insights.

With that in mind, this article aims to demystify the best link SEO tools for online shops currently available, offering an in-depth analysis of their features, benefits, and how they can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge.

Backlink Analysis Tools

First and foremost, the start of every link building campaign involves checking your (and your competitors’) backlink profile. Recently, two new SEO tools for online shops have caught everyone’s attention:

Link Whisper

Link Whisper is an innovative tool designed to streamline internal linking, a crucial aspect of SEO. By utilizing AI, it suggests the most relevant and strategic internal links, significantly improving the site’s SEO structure.

Beyond its AI capabilities, Link Whisper offers comprehensive backlink reporting, providing deep insights into the quality and effectiveness of both internal and external links. This level of analysis is invaluable because it both diagnoses weaknesses and suggests improvements, making it a jack-of-all-trades SEO tool for online shops.


Postaga stands out as an AI-powered outreach assistant, revolutionizing the way businesses approach link-building. Just like Link Whisper, it identifies potential link opportunities but also assists in crafting personalized outreach campaigns. This directly boosts personalization efforts and helps online shops stand out.

Additionally, Postaga’s campaign performance tracking feature offers real-time insights into the effectiveness of outreach efforts, allowing for agile adjustments to strategy. This tool is particularly useful for e-commerce stores looking to build relationships quickly and acquire high-quality backlinks efficiently.

Link Building and Outreach Tools

Once you’ve determined holes in your strategy, it’s time to get moving and get your links placed on authority sites. Fortunately, some of the best SEO tools for online shops are at your disposal:


Respona is an all-encompassing platform for blogger and influencer outreach. Its integration with Google’s search operators allows for precise targeting, ensuring that outreach efforts are not wasted on uninterested parties.

It offers a unique blend of automated and personalized outreach, balancing efficiency with the personal touch often required in successful link-building campaigns. Respona’s ability to manage and track multiple campaigns simultaneously makes it an invaluable asset for any online shop looking to enhance its link profile and online presence.


Snov.io is a multifaceted tool designed for effective outreach and link-building. Its email verifier ensures high deliverability rates, a crucial factor in successful outreach campaigns. Additionally, Snov.io’s drip campaign feature automates follow-ups, increasing the chances of securing backlinks.

The domain search tool within Snov.io is particularly impressive, allowing users to identify authoritative figures in relevant niches, thereby facilitating targeted and effective outreach efforts. In conclusion, Snov.io is a great SEO tool for online shops seeking to build a network of high-quality, relevant backlinks through personalized but still automated outreach.

Link Monitoring and Management Tools

Doing research and building the links is the easy part. It’s the link management and monitoring that are confusing, but once again–plenty of SEO tools for online shops can facilitate these efforts:


Linkody simplifies the complex task of monitoring backlinks. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible to SEO professionals and novices alike. The tool’s competitor backlink analysis feature is particularly noteworthy, providing insights into the strategies employed by competitors.

And with just a few clicks, you can copy the strategy and see how it affects your shop’s SEO. Furthermore, Linkody’s ability to track and analyze the backlinks of multiple competitors simultaneously makes it a powerful tool for quick execution, and startups in particular. .


Likewise, Nightwatch.io excels in backlink monitoring and visualization. Its customizable reports and alerts system ensures that you are always aware of changes in their backlink profile. This level of customization allows online shops to focus on specific metrics and trends, and completely disregard irrelevant data or false positives.

But Nightwatch.io’s strength lies in its ability to present complex backlink data in an easily digestible format, making it an essential SEO tool for online shops looking to always be in control of who links to them, why and how.

Comprehensive SEO Suites with Strong Link Building Features

If your online shop is in need of large, more robust suites with multiple SEO tools, these are the top solutions:


Serpstat is a comprehensive SEO suite offering a wide array of tools, including backlink analysis. Its backlink analysis tool is easy to use but also provides detailed insights into the quality and quantity of backlinks.

Additionally, Serpstat offers competitor research and keyword tracking, making it a one-stop shop for various SEO needs. It’s not ideal for smaller businesses or hobby projects. Instead, it’s ideal for enterprise-level campaigns and more costly undertakings.


Mangools is renowned for its LinkMiner tool, designed specifically for backlink analysis. LinkMiner excels in uncovering powerful backlinks and offers insights into how these links can be replicated.

Alongside LinkMiner, Mangools provides a suite of integrated SEO tools for online shops, including those for keyword research and rank tracking. It might be a bit less coveted than Serpstat overall, but Mangools is slowly climbing up the ranks.

Emerging Tools to Watch in 2024

To wrap things up, let’s take a look at two brand-new SEO for online shops that might be shaking things up come January:


LinkHunter is an upcoming tool that promises to bring innovative AI-driven predictive link-building insights to the table. Its integration with emerging social media platforms indicates a modern approach to link prospecting, catering to the evolving digital landscape.

So instead of outdated SERP analysis, LinkHunter provides a more comprehensive overview of how likely a site is to accept your offer. In addition to SEO features, it also provides templates and easily downloadable reports.


Dibz AI focuses on real-time link quality assessment using advanced AI algorithms. Its ability to analyze competitor link-building strategies offers unique insights, mainly related to specific niches and types of content.

Unlike other SEO tools for online shops, Dibz has the ability to filter and see only forums, local citations, giveaways, and more. Plus, there are over a dozen spam metrics that can help filter our irrelevant results and save time on research.


In conclusion, the landscape of link SEO tools for online shops in 2023 offers a wealth of options. From specialized backlink analysis tools like Postaga to comprehensive SEO suites like Serpstat, any of these tools can be a difference maker. But at the end of the day, it’s about how you utilize them.