What is Marketing Automation and How Does It Work?

In an era where digital marketing is constantly evolving, keeping up with the latest trends can be tough. Once you succeed in bringing visitors to your website another challenge is to turn some of them into paying customers.


​​If your goal is to boost the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, build a long-lasting relationship with your customers, and reduce the amount of time spent on repetitive tasks – you need marketing automation.


What Is Marketing Automation?


In short, Marketing Automation is the use of software to automate and simplify tasks, processes, and workflows without needing human impact. The technology behind marketing automation makes these simple, repetitive tasks faster and easier to do so marketers can focus on more important and time-consuming priorities.


The software itself works as your own virtual assistant. Once you set this up,  it will continue running in the background, simplifying business processes and delivering a better customer experience. 


Marketing automation isn’t limited to company size and it can make a huge impact on companies of all sizes and niches. At Slick, a Miami-based digital marketing agency, we can show you how marketing automation can best serve your needs.


How Does Marketing Automation Work?


In digital marketing, every interaction you have with your leads (website visit, purchase, email exchange, etc.)  provides you with data for a specific person. Marketing automation doesn’t just store that data but analyzes and uses it intelligently to understand your leads better. Software is segmenting your leads based on specific criteria such as interest, gender, behavior, and others so you can deliver personalized content and experiences.


The next step is to set up triggers for your workflows based on those criteria, and when they occur, they will initiate an automated email response. By sending trigger-based emails, you can engage with your audience when they are most interested or when they complete specific actions.


Once we have those segments properly set up, we can create campaigns and workflows based on business-specific needs, triggers, or customer journey stages. When the workflows are live we can rely on marketing automation software and all we have to do is check on the analytics and make minor improvements from time to time.


How Can Marketing Automation Boost Your Business?


Now that we know what it is and how it works, we can dive deeper into marketing automation and learn how it can maximize efficiency across an entire organization.


It can help businesses in several ways, such as:


  • Building up valuable relationships with their customers
  • Speeding up marketing processes & improving productivity
  • Reducing operating costs and increasing revenue
  • Automating social media & reports
  • Providing insights about your customers that humans simply can’t etc.


If you already have your email marketing system in place, you should start by setting up workflows where customers or prospects are sent timely based on particular actions they take and treated with a personal approach.


Not all of your customers deserve the same approach so start targeting them more effectively with your marketing messages. Think about your goals and define them; Your goals will shape the way you approach customer segmentation. 


By understanding your customer’s behaviors better, you can acquire new customers as well as keep those thinking of leaving your list. We have to agree that it costs you a lot less to retain a current customer than to acquire a new one.


The number one reason why about 80% of marketers use marketing automation is to increase their revenue and discover new sales opportunities. It’s no surprise, then, that marketing automation has become such a powerful tool and a real game-changer for businesses across all industries.


We are here to help you prioritize tasks and make it easy to hand off jobs between various teams on your staff, achieving your key goals and moving your business forward.

You don’t want to miss out on all these business growth benefits and at Miami Slick, we can help you streamline your marketing and make your business run smoother using the right software like Klaviyo.